Fungi of the Bohemian Forest
Mushrooms are not only deeply rooted in the populace as delicious forest dwellers. Their essential role in nutrient cycles of ecosystems has long been undervalued. Therefore, there is an increased need for research in this area. Our knowledge of the species rich group fungi and how they work in forest ecosystem is far from exhausted. For example, in the Šumava region new types of mushrooms that have never been detected before are still being found. Even with common species information about their abundance and distribution is still lacking.
Project goals:
The biodiversity and occurrence of the mushrooms in the Bohemian Forest, not only in the area of the Bavarian Forest and Šumava National Park, but also in their surroundings in Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria, will be collected in a database. Here more than 3000 species of mushrooms will be presented and published on a website with descriptions, pictures and distribution maps. The mushroom friends of the region will be involved via exhibitions, lectures and “mushroom hikes” in the project (so called citizen science). A deeper understanding of spatial patterns of fungal diversity and their associated ecosystem roles will be achieved by applying modern molecular methods.
Study design:
The evaluation of literature and databases will initially take place in the three participating countries and will then be summarized in a common project database. This forms the basis for detailed descriptions and image collections as well as the interactive distribution maps. Public outreach will consist of several project meetings annually and events with citizen participation are intended to promote a sustainable interest in mycology in the project region. Scientific projects, bachelor's and master's theses, molecular biological studies on Fungi in the Bohemian Forest will also contribute to the project.
Contact Person:
Dr. Claus Bässler
Project management
Peter Karasch
Project coordinator
- Nationalparkverwaltung Šumava
- Universität Regensburg Lehrstuhl für Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie e. V.
Associate partners:
- Biologiezentrum Linz
- Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft
- Die Bayerwald-Pilze im Fokus
- Zwei Schwammerl erstmals in Bayern nachgewiesen
- Diese Keulen sind extrem selten